An encyclopedia about voice, swallowing, airway, coughing, & other head + neck disorders.

About scheduling a Laryngopedia


Image of people on a teleconversation

What is a Teleconversation?

Teleconversation icon

This is a virtual (audio-video) teaching and strategy session with Dr. Robert Bastian, an expert laryngologist. The purpose is to help individuals understand their laryngologic conditions better and to work more effectively with their personal physicians.

Who is Dr. Robert Bastian?

Circle Image of Robert Bastian, M.D.

Robert W. Bastian, M.D. is a board-certified ENT physician who has practiced laryngology exclusively since 1987. He is an internationally recognized authority in the treatment of voice, airway, swallowing, and coughing disorders…

To Schedule a Teleconversation

Send an email with the following information:

Describe your
main issue.

Where you
are located.

Preferred times.

Most are scheduled 8, 8:30, or 9 a.m. CST
on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday

What conditions are suitable for a teleconversation?

Illustration of singing and speaking

Voice Trouble

(Speaking or Singing)

Illustration of inability to burp

Inability to Burp

(R-CPD, No-burp)

Illustration of painful swallowing

Swallowing Difficulty

(Zenker’s diverticulum, Laryngospasm)

Illustration of coughing

Cough or Throat Clearing

(that won’t go away)

Illustration of lungs

Breathing Difficulty

(Upper Airway Narrowing)

What happens next?


Finalize your
appointment time.

Email Icon

Return the questionnaire
we send you.

Questionnaire icon

Submit payment
via PayPal.

Payment Icon

Receive a Zoom link
for your appointment time.

Zoom link icon

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Since Dr. Bastian is only licensed in the state of Illinois, a teleconversation with an individual from another state or country is not considered medical advice. In legal terms, our teleconversations would then be treated as a teaching or strategizing consultation.

Yes. These calls are considered telemedicine calls and are distinct from teleconversations. In a telemedicine call, Dr. Bastian is able to provide medical advice and write prescriptions. You are able to use health insurance to help with the cost. We accept many, but not all insurance plans. Go to Bastian Voice Institute for more information.

Once payment is submitted, we send an email a few hours prior to the call with a link to the Zoom call. Email providers will often flag our emails as spam, so first check your spam folder. If you still don’t see an email, give us a call at 630.724.1100 and one of our staff can resend the link.

Teleconversations are usually scheduled between 8 – 9:30 a.m. CST. Please remember when scheduling that you may be on a different time zone.

Many of our teleconversations are with patients hundreds to thousands of miles away, where an in-office visit is not an easy descison. Depending on how far you live from our office, some of our patients simply have a few questions they want answered, or request some help in finding a doctor closer to them that will treat their disorder. If you are unsure about your symptoms and want more clarification, a teleconversation may be a more cost and time effective option then visiting our office.

To make the best use of your teleconversation, completing your paperwork before the appointment allows Dr. Bastian to spend your time answering questions and providing solutions. If your paperwork is not completed prior to the call, your appointment will need to be rescheduled.

While Dr. Bastian only speaks English, he has talked with non-English speaking persons who brought along a friend or relative that was able to translate for them. If you are able to find someone who can translate for you, Dr. Bastian is able to accommodate the language barrier.

What people say...

Teleconversation countries so far...

World map of highlighted countries where Dr. Bastian held a teleconversation.