Laryngitis sicca is a condition of severe dryness in the larynx, almost always with crusting of mucus. It often makes the voice hoarse.
Causes of Laryngitis Sicca
One cause is the use of radiation therapy for cancer in the larynx. As the radiation therapy kills the tumor it is targeting, it may also damage or destroy the larynx’s mucus-producing glands. These damaged glands may then produce less mucus, and mucus that is more proteinaceous and consequently more viscous or thick and sticky. This viscous mucus can also be easily colonized by bacteria, and become crusted, especially in winter, when humidity indoors is lower.
A second kind of laryngitis sicca seems to accompany bacterial infection alone, apart from any use of radiation therapy. The mucus crusts become yellow or green, and the mucosa reddens with inflammation.
Treatment for Laryngitis Sicca
Antibiotic therapy may improve or resolve the problem, though some cases seem stubbornly resistant to such treatment, even with several courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Improved hydration of the larynx may help somewhat, as may having the patient learn to irrigate his or her larynx and “gargle” in the larynx.