Presbyphagia is a term used to describe swallowing difficulty of the sort that can be associated with the aging process: the process of swallowing as a whole is inefficient and reduced in vigor. Common findings include globally (as opposed to focally) reduced muscle bulk, often seen in vocal cords and not just pharyngeal wall musculature; globally reduced strength of contraction of the pharynx; and tendency for retention or pooling of a part of swallowed food or liquid in the vallecula or pyriform sinuses.
Presbyphagia may be associated with cricopharyngeal dysfunction and, when severe, aspiration.
VESS Demonstrating Presbyphagia, Chin Tuck Maneuver, Hypopharyngeal Pooling, Laryngeal Penetration and Effective Cough
VESS (1 of 5)
VESS (1 of 5)
Chin tuck maneuver (2 of 5)
Chin tuck maneuver (2 of 5)
Aspiration (3 of 5)
Aspiration (3 of 5)
Laryngeal penetration (4 of 5)
Laryngeal penetration (4 of 5)
Air is blasted out of vestibule (5 of 5)
Air is blasted out of vestibule (5 of 5)
Secretional Pooling Predicts Swallowing Function
Pooling (1 of 4)
Pooling (1 of 4)
Residue (2 of 4)
Residue (2 of 4)
Cracker (3 of 4)
Cracker (3 of 4)
Blue-stained water (4 of 4)
Blue-stained water (4 of 4)

Swallowing Trouble 101
This video gives an overview of how swallowing works, how it can sometimes go wrong (presbyphagia or cricopharyngeal dysfunction), and possible ways to treat those problems (swallowing therapy or cricopharyngeal myotomy).