Recursos de laringología

Enciclopedia multimedia de la voz, trastornos de la deglución y de las vías respiratorias; también tos crónica e incapacidad para eructar.

Illustration of cricopharyngeus muscle on a model with images of the larynx, x-rays of the abdomen, and other multimedia content relating to laryngology.

¿Qué encontrará en Laryngopedia?

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Imágenes de alta definición captadas mediante Videoestroboscopia de laringe, cuerdas vocales y tracto aerodigestivo superior.

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Registros detallados de las cuerdas vocales y las vías respiratorias, la respiración, la deglución y otras funciones de la laringe.

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Observaciones clínicas, anécdotas, series de casos y marcos conceptuales discutidos para una mayor exploración.

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Grabaciones sonoras de ejercicios vocales, trastornos de la voz y ajustes pre y post quirúrgicos de las cuerdas vocales.

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Entradas populares de la enciclopedia

Una colección de entradas visitadas con frecuencia relacionadas con temas laríngeos.

Anatomía y fisiología de la laringe

Ejercicios de construcción de voz para cantantes

Videoendoscopia (VESS)

Cáncer de laringe y cuerdas vocales

Tos neuropática sensorial (SNC)

Espasmo cricofaríngeo

Modelo Diagnóstico Integrativo

Incapacidad para eructar (noburp, R-CPD)

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Información y estrategia personalizada, estés donde estés.

¿No puedes eructar? ¿Tos persistente? ¿Cosquilleo agudo en la garganta? Las teleconversaciones de 30 minutos del Dr. Bastian le sirven como una oportunidad estratégica para encontrar la atención que necesita.

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Ayudando a pacientes de todo el mundo

Suscriptores de Youtube
Nuestros estados
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¿Qué dice la gente sobre nuestras teleconversaciones?

Dr. Bastian exhibited a high degree of professionalism and a unique and thorough knowledge of my issues.
Dr. Bastian is amazing. He really understands, listens and empathizes. He explains things in a very clear, straightforward way. He validated everything I have been experiencing.
Dr. Bastian is friendly, compassionate, and informative. He went above and beyond in my consultation with me to help me understand more of my condition, and how the treatment process works.
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Robert W. Bastian M.D.

El Dr. Bastian fue calificado por Chicago Magazine como uno de los «mejores médicos de Chicago» y por Castle-Connolly como uno de los «mejores médicos de Estados Unidos». También recibió el Premio de Honor por sus contribuciones docentes a la Academia Estadounidense de Otorrinolaringología, así como, en 2010, el Premio al Servicio Distinguido.

Ha desarrollado y dirigido equipos multidisciplinarios para considerar los trastornos de los pacientes desde tres perspectivas: conductual, médica y quirúrgica. En todas las actividades profesionales del Dr. Bastian, ya sea consultar con pacientes, operar, investigar, escribir o enseñar, los pacientes son lo primero.

Profile shot of Robert W. Bastian, M.D.
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Artículos de revistas del Dr. Bastian

An Open Letter to Gastroenterologists about R-CPD

Introduction Many patients with inability to belch and severe associated gastrointestinal distress struggle for years to find the recently established diagnosis of retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD). This disorder has received a lot of exposure, including in peer-reviewed journals, yet even when they bring peer-reviewed articles to their doctors, many say they are not taken seriously. As the person who first described R-CPD and codified details of diagnosis and treatment, I

Why Is Constipation Often a Symptom of Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction (R-CPD)? A Thought Experiment

Introduction Retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction is also known by three other names: R-CPD; inability to burp and associated symptoms, or “no-burp.” Because of the inability to burp, the normal air that everyone swallows with food, liquid, or saliva can only be released as flatulence. (Gas formed during digestion of food such as beans and cabbage has only one way to exit in every human.) Air in loops of colon Here is

Botox Placement for Treatment of Spasmodic Dysphonia in the “Fortress Larynx”

Introduction Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is what happens to the capabilities, limitations, and aberrations (vocal phenomenology) of the voice as the result of a rare neurological disorder called laryngeal dystonia. The prefix dys- essentially means “abnormal.” And so dystonia (abnormal tone in laryngeal muscles) causes dysphonia (abnormal sound of the voice). Treatment for SD While numerous treatments have been proposed and published for spasmodic dysphonia, a mainstay treatment continues to be

Suction Drains as Treatment Tools in Head and Neck Surgery

Common Usage Suction drains are used routinely to evacuate blood and serum from under skin flaps in the early days after surgical procedures. When drainage diminishes to 30 ml or less in 24 hours, drains can be removed, most often within the first 3 or 4 postoperative days. At that point, they have served their purpose, and out they come. Beyond Common Usage: Overview There are several circumstances where the

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