The laryngopharynx is the anatomical region that begins roughly at the base (back) of the tongue and goes down to the level of the upper part of the trachea/esophagus low in the neck. It comprises an area in which both breathing and swallowing functions are shared. When one reaches the larynx/esophagus, at that point begin separate and dedicated passages for air and food.
Panorama of the laryngopharynx shows the collection “funnel” of the airway (circumscribed by dotted lines), directing air between the cords and into the trachea below. The “foodway” collection crescent, aka “swallowing crescent” is circumscribed by the dashed lines. The foodway is closed because the airway is open. When swallowing rather than breathing, the esophagus would open at the arrow.Panoramic view of the laryngopharynx, showing the base of the tongue, the vallecula, epiglottis, vocal cords in abducted (breathing) position, and posterior pyriform/postarytenoid “crescent,” which serves as the superiormost entrance to the foodway (cervical esophagus).