Laryngopharynx acid reflux disease (LPRD) is a constellation of symptoms and findings caused by reflux (backwards flow) of stomach acid into the throat or larynx, typically during sleep. It may be seen with or without the heartburn, acid belching, etc., commonly associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The classic symptoms of LPRD may be exaggerated in the morning and include one or more of the following: dry throat, rawness or scratchy sensation, increased mucus production and attendant throat clearing, husky voice quality or low-pitched morning voice, irritative cough, and, if one is a singer, the need for prolonged warm-up. For appropriate treatment measures, see GERD.
Sometimes acid reflux is diagnosed when it isn’t the real problem. The do-it-yourself trials in this downloadable article can help a person and his or her personal physician verify if acid reflux is the appropriate diagnosis: When Acid Reflux Treatment Takes You Down a Rabbit Trail.¹
1. Originally published in Classical Singer, April 2009. Posted with permission.