Risorse di laringologia

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Registrazioni dettagliate delle corde vocali e delle vie aeree, della respirazione, della deglutizione e di altre funzioni della laringe. Guardare video →
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Registrazioni sonore di esercizi vocali, disturbi della voce e aggiustamenti pre e post-chirurgici alle corde vocali. Sfoglia le clip →
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Una raccolta di voci visitate di frequente relative ad argomenti laringei.

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Articoli di giornale del dottor Bastian
The Red Herring Pitfall in Diagnosing Voice, Swallowing, Airway, Cough, and Burping Disorders
The Origin of the Term “Red Herring” The phrase “red herring” originates from the use of hunting dogs in Scandinavia and England. In training mode, a fox pelt might be dragged through the forest to lay down the scent. When the dogs became proficient, the trainers would increase the difficulty. Smoked herrings, which turn a deep reddish color and emit a strong odor, might be dragged across the “scent trail”
An Instruction Manual for Botulinum Toxin Injection for Spasmodic Dysphonia
ADDUCTORY Spasmodic Dysphonia (AD-SD) AD-SD is a variant of spasmodic dysphonia in which the spasms push the vocal cords together, choking off or straining the voice. Which Needle do You Use? All but the rare patient can be successfully injected using the usual 37mm 25 gauge Teflon-coated needle. Do you do Unilateral or Bilateral Injections? I always do bilateral injections. The only unilateral injections are for those whom I “inherit”
Individualization of Botulinum Toxin Injections for Spasmodic Dysphonia
Introduction Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is a neurological voice condition that diminishes voice/speech intelligibility and markedly increases the effort to talk. The impact on social life and occupation can be devastating. Untreated patients may even lose their jobs. There are two primary variants—adductory SD (~90%) and abductory SD (~10%). For the AD-variant, the voice cuts out or squeezes down to a strangled quality, so that syllables or words are lost. For
You May Not Have to Live with that Chronic Cough
Introduction Imagine . . . coughing for 10 years. That’s what has happened to “Susan.” When an attack hits during a phone call, friends have learned to say, “Uh-oh, well, call me back when your cough is over.” If a bad spell happens in public, she feels humiliated when all eyes turn her way. People draw back, afraid of catching her “illness.” At church, she sits on the aisle, by
Robert W. Bastian M.D.
Il dottor Bastian è stato valutato da Chicago Magazine come uno dei “Top Doctors di Chicago” e da Castle-Connolly come uno dei “Top Doctors d’America”. Ha anche ricevuto l’Honour Award per i contributi di insegnamento all’American Academy of Otolaryngology, nonché, nel 2010, il Distinguished Service Award.
Ha sviluppato e diretto team multidisciplinari per considerare i disturbi dei pazienti da tre prospettive: comportamentale, medica e chirurgica. In tutte le attività professionali del Dr. Bastian, che si tratti di consulenza con i pazienti, operatori, ricerche, scrittura o insegnamento, i pazienti vengono prima di tutto.