An encyclopedia about voice, swallowing, airway, coughing, & other head + neck disorders.

Recursos de Laringologia

Enciclopédia multimídia de voz, distúrbios de deglutição e vias aéreas; também tosse crônica e incapacidade de arrotar.
Illustration of cricopharyngeus muscle on a model with images of the larynx, x-rays of the abdomen, and other multimedia content relating to laryngology.

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Imagens de alta definição capturadas por videoendoscopia da laringe, cordas vocais e trato aerodigestivo superior.

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Gravações detalhadas das cordas vocais e vias aéreas, respiração, deglutição e outras funções da laringe.

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Observações clínicas, anedotas, séries de casos e estruturas conceituais discutidas para posterior exploração.

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Uma coleção de entradas frequentemente visitadas relacionadas a tópicos laríngeos.

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Informação e estratégia personalizadas, onde quer que você esteja.

Não consegue arrotar? Tosse persistente? Cócegas agudas na garganta?
As teleconversas de 30 minutos do Dr. Bastian servem como uma oportunidade de estratégia para encontrar o atendimento que você precisa.

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Ajudando pacientes em todo o mundo

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O que as pessoas dizem sobre nossas teleconversas?

Dr. Bastian exhibited a high degree of professionalism and a unique and thorough knowledge of my issues.
Dr. Bastian is amazing. He really understands, listens and empathizes. He explains things in a very clear, straightforward way. He validated everything I have been experiencing.
Dr. Bastian is friendly, compassionate, and informative. He went above and beyond in my consultation with me to help me understand more of my condition, and how the treatment process works.
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Robert W. Bastian M.D.

Bastian foi classificado pela Chicago Magazine como um dos “Melhores Médicos de Chicago” e pela Castle-Connolly como um dos “Melhores Médicos da América”. Ele também recebeu o Prêmio de Honra por contribuições de ensino à Academia Americana de Otorrinolaringologia, bem como, em 2010, o Prêmio de Serviço Distinto.

Ele desenvolveu e dirigiu equipes multidisciplinares para considerar os distúrbios dos pacientes sob três perspectivas: comportamental, médica e cirúrgica. Em todas as atividades profissionais do Dr. Bastian — seja consultando pacientes, operando, pesquisando, escrevendo ou ensinando — os pacientes vêm em primeiro lugar.

Profile shot of Robert W. Bastian, M.D.
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Artigos de periódicos do Dr. Bastian

Cricopharyngeus Spasm and What to Do About It

Robert W. Bastian, M.D. — Published: June 25, 2018 The information found below is a Q&A supplement to a teaching video on cricopharyngeus spasm: Tell me more about the cricopharyngeus muscle. Where is it, and what is it for? It is a sphincter, which is a circular muscle that makes a ring around the uppermost part of the esophagus to serve as a “valve” or “gateway” between the throat and

Can’t Burp? Here Are the Symptoms of R-CPD

Robert W. Bastian, M.D. — Published: December 18, 2020 There is a group of people whose inability to burp causes severe daily distress. They are left without a solution (or even explanation) in spite of many doctor visits. Recently a major cause of inability to burp, retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD) has been codified for diagnosis and treatment.* *A constellation of key symptoms powerfully “makes” the initial diagnosis. Patients can often

The Use of Capsaicin for Sensory Neuropathic Cough

Robert W. Bastian, M.D. — Published July 31, 2014 Introduction In recent years, a neurogenic form of chronic cough has been described in the literature, referred to variously as “sensory neuropathy presenting as chronic cough”1, “sensory neuropathic cough”2,3, “laryngeal sensory neuropathy”4, or simply “refractory chronic cough”5. It has been shown that sensory neuropathic cough (SNC) can be treated with certain neuralgia medications1,4,5,6,7,8. What has not yet been described, however, is

A Trail to Sensory Neuropathic Cough

Robert W. Bastian, M.D. — Published August 25, 2014 Introduction A new clinical insight can be sparked when a physician encounters a series of patients in close succession whose stories overlap in some surprising way. This is an account of that sort, reviewing a trail of patients that led to understanding the clinical entity of sensory neuropathic cough.1 Before the late 1990s, when the fourth patient described below opened for